「政府限食肆增換氣量 不達標須裝空氣消毒機!」
政府放寬了部分社交距離措施,食肆可重開晚市堂食至10時,但要改善通風。有飲食業界表示,食環署曾提及食肆通風須達每小時6次換氣量,目前大部分食肆都是每小時換氣3次至4次,不達標則要加裝淨化空氣設備,爭取在 4 月底或之前約一個月寬限期給業界準備。
食物環境衛生署早前推出「餐飲處所換氣量自願申報計劃」尚未達到有關換氣量的餐飲處所,可安裝符合規格的空氣淨化設備,於處所加裝具備紫外線C (UV-C) 或UV-C 結合高效顆粒空氣過濾技術(HEPA)的設備,以加強防疫效果。
很多空氣淨化機已坐地及座枱設計,機會阻礙餐廳通道容易發生危險。所以,我們需要一個功能全面及輕巧可掛牆的UV紫外線空氣消毒機 ─── AIRWIN Pure Air Pro X。
餐廳查詢專線:WhatsApp: +852 6168-2661 / https://bit.ly/wtsapp_airwin
1. HEPA納米光感纖維過濾網(達99.97%標準)
2. 深頻紫外光UVC消毒殺菌技術(波長253.7NM)
3. 光等離子空氣淨化Photoplasma
4. 二氧化鈦光觸媒殺菌
「大至微塵,小至細菌病毒都能一一消滅」 AIRWIN Pure Air Pro X 透過深層淨化4步曲────有效達致殺滅空氣中的病毒,細菌:
1. 高等級HEPA納米光感纖維過濾網 - 空氣經過濾網有效過濾灰塵、極細粉末、 飄浮致敏源,濾網極致淨化至0.3um(99.97%)
2.深頻紫外光UVC消毒殺菌技術 - 在高能紫外光的照射下能破壞細菌及病 毒的細胞結構,有效殺滅細菌病毒並阻止繁殖生長
3. 光等離子空氣淨化Photoplasma - 在高能紫外光的照射下產生具有大量自由氫氧機及 氧化離子的光催化效應與光等離子效應,令細菌死 亡和有機物分解,達到殺菌除污超強的淨化效果
4. 二氧化鈦光觸媒殺菌 - 在功能紫外光照射下產生催化進行氧化還原反應,能分 解空氣中的有害氣體和部份無機化合物,分解為二氧化碳和水等無害物質,抑制細菌生長和病毒的活性
「即時空氣質素」 及 「智能調節模式」
另外,AIRWIN還有一個強大功能,就是可以讀取現場環境的空氣質素(TVOC總揮發性有機物 及 PM2.5懸浮粒子)數值,可以即時知道家中空氣潔淨程度之餘,還會因應空氣質素而自調動節不同的過濾模式,時刻保持空氣潔淨,住得更加安心。
Airwin UVC 空氣消毒機受STC檢定中心仍可達到CE國際標準:
EN 55014-1:2017
EN 55014-2:2015
EN IEC 61000-3-2:2019
EN 61000-3-3:2013+A1:2019
EN 60335-2-65:2003+A1:2008+A11:2012 + AC:2014 + A11:2014 + A13:2017 + A1:2019 + A14:2019 + A2:2019
EN 62233:2008 + AC:2008
【AirWin Pure Air Pro X in the house!】
“This is extremely unideal,” Yuen Kwok-yung, a microbiologist at the University of Hong Kong who is advising the government on its virus response, said adding that the reduced airflow creates a higher risk of airborne transmission.
Authorities had already recognised the importance of ensuring good air flow; guidelines were issued last year following the advice of anti-epidemic experts that ventilation in catering premises should enable a minimum of six air changes an hour. If this could not be achieved, purification equipment could be installed as an alternative within a month before April 2021.
High standards of air ventilation for indoor public places are as important as good hygiene and mask-wearing when it comes to Covid-19 protection. That has to be reflected in government requirements. Catering premises have to check or improve their systems.
AirWin Pure Air Pro X is a UV purification equipment suitable for the restaurant! It is effective and with a small size design which can easily install it on the wall and anywhere.
Pure Air Pro X IAQ filtration up to 99% airborne particle and efficiently remove particles, allergens, TVOC, germs, Virus, as well as pollen & irritating substances.
5 in 1 CLEAN & FRESH - HEPA High Filtration Nano Filter (H13 99.97%) - Deep UVC Disinfection System - Photoplasma Reaction Technology - TiO2 & Titanium Dioxide
Realtime Smart IAQ Monitoring: Professional sensors keep monitoring the air quality, showing both reading PM2.5 and TVOC in turn, it provide real time data for selection appropriate purifying mode and airspeed
(Suitable for: School, Fitness Centre, Office, Restaurant, Hotel, Beauty Centre, Club House, Residential Area…)
This is not for choice, this is essential 現在,立刻用科技解決問題! 讓我們能安心出門,放心回家吧! 立即查詢安裝詳情,及快來推介給你們的餐廳朋友! ClearTechPro 空氣淨化殺菌器 AIRWIN Pure Air Pro X 產品詳情,請瀏覽: https://www.cleartechpro.com.hk/product-page/CTPAirwinPureAirProX 📕AirWin Pure Air Pro X 空氣消毒淨化器 小冊子介紹下載📕 AirWin Pure Air Pro X Brochure Download: https://bit.ly/CTP_AirWin
For information in English, please visit:
🇬🇧 For information in English, please visit: https://en.cleartechpro.com.hk/product-page/CTPAirwinPureAirProX
Tel.:+852 6168-2661
WhatsApp: +852 6168-2661 / https://bit.ly/wtsapp_airwin